Reclaim your Body as Temple
Your Voice as Sacred Chant
Your Womb as Inner Sanctum
Your Self as the Altar
And Every Day of your life as Ceremony...
Moon Spirals is a monthly membership container devoted to exploring how to live in harmony with the spiraling cyclicality of our inner & outer ecosystems
by diving into Moon work, womb work, herbalism, somatics, decolonial archetypal wisdom, & nature based rituals together...
Enrollment is open until May 18 for the year long program:
"I am the Altar:
Embodied Ritual"
We will explore topics related to Moon work, womb work, herbalism, body literacy & somatics, decolonial archetypes, ecojustice, nature based rituals and more with your steward, Ixpahuatzin + guest expert facilitators...
Each month you will receive
Moon Spirals MembershipThis is an ongoing, monthly membership Upon registration you will receive an email with the link to the access the online group and finalize the monthly subscription The online group in the BMH Inner Sanctum is where you access the zoom links, workshop recordings, workbooks & group conversations. If you have any questions email [email protected] |
Join us, beginning April 2024 for a year-long journey of:
"I am the Altar:
Embodied Ritual"
"I am the Altar:
Embodied Ritual"
Every month will be grounded in a different theme of the year long curriculum entitled and when you join you automatically have access to the Cycles & Spirals Lunar Masterclass & the last 2 months of content:
"I Am the Altar: Embodied Ritual"
March, April & May: the Waxing Moon Archetypes:
September, October & November: the Waning Moon Archetypes:
December, January & February: the Dark/New Moon Archetypes:
- Dark Nights of the Soul, Inner Oracle Expression, Stepping into Power & Radical Acceptance
- Decolonizing the Archetypes of Priestess/Priest, Witch, Ritual Guide,
- Transforming the Witch Wound & Priestess Wound: allowing your gifts & offerings to be seen
- Holding Space, Neutral Noticings & Spiritual Gift Amplication
- Herbal Allies & Remedies to amplify the gifts & navigate the challenges
December, January & February: the Dark/New Moon Archetypes:
- Integration, Death & Gestation, Radical Honesty, Elderhood
- Decolonizing the Archetypes of Oracle, Seer, Dreamer, Teacher, Elder
- the Crone Wound, Ageing & Elderhood
- Leaving a Legacy, Honoring our Ancestors, Power Reckoning & Making Amends
- Herbal Allies & Remedies to amplify the gifts & navigate the challenges
Set up your Moon Spirals Membership
Moon Spirals MembershipThis is an ongoing, monthly membership Upon registration you will receive an email with the link to the access the online group and finalize the monthly subscription The online group in the BMH Inner Sanctum is where you access the zoom links, workshop recordings, workbooks & group conversations. If you have any questions email [email protected] |